Elegant Vegetable Bundles

Elegant Vegetable Bundles

1 C. Haricot Verts
1 small yellow summer squash
1 Red Bell Pepper, cut into strips
1 clove garlic, minced
1/8 tsp. crushed dried tarragon
Sliced cherry tomato
2 tsp. Olive Oil

Clean and trim beans. Cut 4-1/2 inch thick slices of squash and hollow out centers to 1/4 inch of rind. Thread beans and red pepper slices through squash rings as if squash was a napkin ring. Steam bundles for 4 minutes or until beans turn bright green. Sauté garlic and tarragon in oil until garlic is soft, but not brown. Pour oil mixture over bean bundles and serve immediately with cherry tomato garnishes

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