Universal Five Diamonds Salad

Universal Five Diamonds Salad

Universal Five Diamonds Salad

4 parts mild-flavored leaves

2 parts slightly bitter or more strongly flavored leaves

1 part onions, ramps, or any wild edible Allium

1 part something salty and umami (cheese, bacon, sautéed mushrooms)

1 part dried fruit

1 part something crunchy (nuts, seeds)

Extra-virgin olive oil

Lemon juice, vinegar, or pickle juice

Salt and pepper


Wash the leaves and dry them in a salad spinner or by rolling them up in a clean dish towel(s). Peel and thinly slice the onion or other Allium. Place in a large bowl along with the salty, fruity, and crunchy ingredients. Drizzle over the olive oil and lemon juice to taste, season with salt and pepper to taste, and toss to combine. You can also plate individually by tossing the greens with the oil and sour component, distributing the dressed leaves between plates or bowls, and then topping with the other ingredients.

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