Marinated Zucchini & Mozzarella

Marinated Zucchini & Mozzarella

Marinated Zucchini & Mozzarella


3 Zucchini, sliced quite thin in long ribbons

30 celingine mozzarella balls

1 T. Coriander seeds

1 mint bouquet

1 head Garlic

1 – 1 ½ C. Olive oil


Peel and wash the mint, dry it thoroughly. Wash the zucchini and cut them into thin ribbons with mandolin or a knife. Drain the mozzarella balls and wrap each one in a ribbon of zucchini. Store them in a single layer at the bottom of a large jar. Add a few garlic cloves, a few mint leaves and a few coriander seeds. Continue filling the jar. Pour oil at height and close the jar. Store in the refrigerator. To be consumed within 3 days.

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