Winter Fruit Martinis

Winter Fruit Martinis

Winter Fruit Martinis


1 apple

1 pear

Lemon juice

Fresh blueberries

1 orange

Orange juice

About 1/4 c. coconut rum or vodka

Sugar (for coating glasses)

Fresh mint leaves (for garnish)


Dice apple and pear. (For fun you can cut slices of the apple with a cookie cutter.) Place in mixing bowl.  Add lemon juice to keep fruit from turning brown. Add blueberries to bowl.  Peel and segment orange: Cut off both ends and slice off rind. Then cut along natural segments. Add orange segments, orange juice and rum (or vodka) to bowl. Let sit for approximately 2 hours.  Serve in a martini glass with a sugarcoated rim. Garnish with an orange wedge and mint leaves.

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