Sausage Breakfast Boats with Rapini, Tomatoes & Mushrooms

Sausage Breakfast Boats with Rapini, Tomatoes & Mushrooms

Sausage Breakfast Boats with Rapini, Tomatoes & Mushrooms

4 Sausage Patties, cooked & halved

4 large rolls, such as ciabatta, Italian or brioche

2 tbsp. butter, melted

1 small bunch rapini (broccoli rabe), stems trimmed as needed

1/4 cup sliced mushrooms (button, crimini or shiitake)

8 grape or cherry tomatoes, halved

4 eggs, brought to room temperature for 30 minutes

Fresh thyme leaves (optional)

Salt & freshly ground black pepper, to taste


Preheat oven to 375Fill medium saucepot with lightly salted water & bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Blanch rapini for 30 seconds & drain well. Cut rapini into smaller pieces when cool. 2. With small knife, cut off tops off rolls & remove some of the interior making a nice “bowl” for your ingredients. Lightly brush rolls, including interior, with butter & bake on rimmed baking pan for 5-6 minutes or until interior of rolls are lightly toasted. 3. Equally divide & arrange sausage, rapini, mushrooms & tomatoes in rolls, leaving centers open for eggs. Top each with cracked egg, seasoning with salt & pepper & sprinkling with thyme leaves if desired. Return to oven & bake for 10-12 minutes or until rolls are a toasty golden brown & the egg whites have just set. Enjoy while still warm from the oven for best flavor & texture.

Chef’s Tip: Can’t find rapini? Try using baby kale greens, chard or spinach. In a pinch for time? Use Smithfield Fully Cooked Sausage Patties to make this easy recipe even quicker!

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