Blood Orange Mimosa Jelly

Blood Orange Mimosa Jelly

Blood Orange Mimosa Jelly

3 lbs. whole blood oranges

2 Meyer Lemons – about 1/2 cup juice

1 bottle Prosecco

(All to equal 5 1/2 cups total juice)

3 1/2 cups sugar

1 pkg. Low Sugar Sure Jell Pectin


Prepare 8 half-pint jars and lids and a boiling water bath.  Measure the juices and Prosecco to equal 5 1/2 cups total. Place into a large pot. Measure 3 1/2 cups sugar. Remove 1/4 cup of the measured sugar into a small bowl and stir in the contents of the pectin packet. Stir the sugar and pectin mixture into the juice and bring to a boil. When it has reached a full. rolling boil, stir in the remaining sugar. Return to a full, rolling boil and boil for 1 minute exactly. Remove from the heat and skim any foam. Ladle into hot, prepared jars and process in the boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Remove carefully and let stand, undisturbed, until the lids pop.   Makes about 8 half pints.

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