Pickled Fermented Garlic Scapes

Pickled Fermented Garlic Scapes

1 quart (8 Servings)

Choose just the tenderest and youngest flowers for these pickled garlic scapes, leaving the scape’s woody stem for use in a naturally probiotic, fermented relish or to use fresh. These pickled scapes are strongly flavored and deeply robust with garlic flavor. You can always add spices to the mixture as well, dill and bay do nicely, but garlic lovers will revel in the simple combination of scape, salt and starter. Fresh whey, sauerkraut juice or packaged starter work well.

1½ tsp. unrefined sea salt
1 package vegetable starter culture (or substitute ¼ C. sauerkraut juice or fresh whey)
1 quart garlic scapes

Stir sea salt and starter culture or whey together with one quart fresh, filtered and dechlorinated water until the salt and starter culture are dissolved into the water completely.
Pack your crock full of trimmed garlic scapes. Pour the mixture of water, salt and starter over the scapes, ensuring that they’re completely covered by the brine. Ferment at room temperature for at least a week, preferably two or even three or four (fermentation is not an exact science), until the scapes achieve a level of sourness that suits you. Once the scapes have pickled to your liking, remove them to the refrigerator or a cool cellar for storage.

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