Pomegranate Syrup (Grenadine)

Pomegranate Syrup (Grenadine)

2 large pomegranates, seeded (about 2 C. seeds)
1 1/2 C. sugar

Combine seeds and sugar in a non-aluminum saucepan; stir to mix, crushing well, until you have a wet mass. Cover and let stand 12 to 24 hours. Bring to a boil over moderate heat, stirring constantly. Lower heat, and simmer 2 minutes. Strain out seeds, pressing down to extract juice. Pour into a hot sterilized jar. Cover with a piece of cloth or a clean towel until cooled. Cap tightly and refrigerate.

Yield: 8 servings
Serving Size: 1/4 C.

Calories: 171
Fat: 0g
Fiber: 0g

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