Baby Artichokes with Lemon and Olive Oil

Baby Artichokes with Lemon and Olive Oil

6 pounds baby globe artichokes
1 C. bottled or strained fresh lemon juice, plus 2 tsp. for the
trimmed artichokes
2 C. white wine vinegar (6% acidity)
1 C. extra-virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic, sliced
2 tsp. pure kosher salt

Using a sharp serrated knife, cut off the top ¾ inch of each artichoke, then pull off the tough green outer leaves until you reach the pale yellow center. Use a paring knife to smooth the base of the artichoke a bit and peel the stem. As you trim each artichoke, put it in a large bowl of water with the 2 tsp. lemon juice. Prepare for water-bath canning: Wash the jars and keep them hot in the canning pot, and put the flat lids in a heatproof bowl. In a wide, 6- to 8-quart preserving pan, combine the 1 C. lemon juice, vinegar, oil, garlic, and salt. Bring to a boil, then drain the artichokes and add them to the pan. Boil for 10 minutes. Ladle boiling water from the canning pot into the bowl with the lids. Using a jar lifter, remove the hot jars from the canning pot, carefully pouring the water from each one back into the pot, and place them upright on a folded towel. Drain the water off the jar lids. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the hot artichokes to the jars and ladle in the liquid, leaving l/2 inch headspace at the top. Use a chopstick to remove air bubbles around the inside of each jar (be diligent about removing the bubbles here). Use a damp paper towel to wipe the rims of the jars well, then put a flat lid and ring on each jar, adjusting the ring so that it’s just finger-tight. Return the jars to the water in the canning pot, making sure the water covers the jars by at least 1 inch. Bring to a boil, and boil for 25 minutes to process. Remove the jars to a folded towel and do not disturb for 12 hours. After 1 hour, check that the lids have sealed by pressing down on the center of each; if it can be pushed down, it hasn’t sealed, and the jar should be refrigerated immediately. Label the sealed jars and store.

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