Preserved Lemon Vinaigrette with Parsley and Mint

Preserved Lemon Vinaigrette with Parsley and Mint

img_73521 preserved lemon
2-3 cloves of garlic
small handful of fresh mint (about 1/4 cup when chopped fine)
medium handful of fresh parsley (about 1/2 cup when chopped fine)
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
1.5 cups extra virgin olive oil
salt and white pepper to taste
500 ml mason jar with a lid

Slice lemons and remove any seeds. Finely mince lemon until pulpy and add to mason jar. With a microplane, grate garlic into mason jar. Chop parsley and mint very fine and add to jar. Add vinegar and oil and shake until well mixed and emulsified. You probably don’t need to add salt (the lemons are salty), but taste and add salt and pepper to taste.

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