Fried Not-So-Green Tomatoes

Fried Not-So-Green Tomatoes

Freshly cooked bacon and the rendered bacon fat

A large green tomato that shows tinges of pink

Salt, pepper and flour

Brown sugar

1/2 C. light cream or half and half


Slice a thin slice off the top and bottom of the tomato and remove the core. Slice into half inch slices. Salt and pepper each slice and dredge in flour. Fry in enough hot bacon fat to cover the skillet. Turn tomatoes over and sprinkle with brown sugar. Brown, flip again, and sprinkle with more sugar. Each side of the tomato will be cooked twice and the brown sugar should caramelize. Remove tomatoes from pan and leave about 1 T. bacon fat. (Sometimes you will have to add an extra T. of fat because the tomatoes will have soaked up the fat in the pan.) Add a tsp.  or two of flour and cook and stir a minute or so. Stir in half a C. of cream and bring to a boil. Season, pour gravy over tomatoes, and serve with the bacon. Note: Use fairly high heat and watch closely. The tomatoes will turn to mush if the browning process takes too long.









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