Sweet Basil Omelet

Sweet Basil Omelet



2 cups Sweet Basil or any of your choice – fully packed

4 Eggs ( I used Large Eggs)

1 T. Fish Sauce (optional)

2 T. Soya Sauce

White Pepper

Sesame Oil

Oil for cooking


Wash the sweet basil thoroughly. Drain and set aside. In a large bowl; break the eggs and whisk lightly Add in the fish sauce and soya sauce to taste. If you don’t have fish sauce you can use soya sauce throughout and adjust the saltiness to your taste. Mix well the mixture. In a medium size pan, heat enough oil to cook the amount of the egg mixture. When the pan is hot, pour the egg mixture in. Before the mixture sets, quickly add in the sweet basil leaves and distribute the leaves evenly around the omelet. (Before add in the leaves, bruise the leaves a bit with your hands to release the basil oil.) When omelet is about to set, fold over a half portion of omelet over the other half (like folding pancake or Coin Purse Egg) carefully to form a half moon shape. Let the omelet cook for few minutes or until there’s no more uncooked liquid oozes out when you press it with spatula. Remove from pan and drizzle some sesame oil before serving.

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