Campfire Sausage with Grilled Vegetables & Salsa Verde

Campfire Sausage with Grilled Vegetables & Salsa Verde

Campfire Sausage with Grilled Vegetables & Salsa Verde


1 pound Italian Sausage (Sweet or Hot)

1 pound Sturdy Vegetables (New Potatoes, Small Carrots, Beets, Brocolli, Cauliflower or Anything in Season)

Salsa Verde

Fresh Baguette or Slices of Sourdough (Optional)


Build a fire in the fire pit. When the fire is hot, place an iron skillet over direct heat. Meanwhile, grill the sausages slowly over the indirect heat portion of the fire. Toss the cut vegetables in salsa verde (reserving some for serving) and roast them in the iron skillet—tossing frequently. If the vegetables start to get too dark before they are cooked through, move the skillet off the direct heat to the cooler side of the grill or grate (you can also move it off the fire onto a stone or wooden surface and tent with foil while the sausages cook). When both sausages and vegetables are done, serve with additional salsa verde and the bread. HINT: *Pack the sausage frozen and it will help keep the cooler cold.

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