Cherry Sorrel Cakes

Cherry Sorrel Cakes

Cherry Sorrel Cakes


1 1/2 pounds fresh cherries

1 medium lemon

2 T. granulated sugar

1 1/2 ounces fresh sorrel


1 medium lemon

2 egg whites

1/2 C. granulated sugar

6 T. vegetable oil

2 tsp. pure vanilla extract

3/4 C. all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting pan

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

Crème fraîche, sour cream or unsweetened whipped cream, for serving


To prepare the topping: Rinse and dry the cherries. Remove and discard pits, then slice cherries in half, placing cut cherries in a large bowl. Juice the lemon and discard seeds. Pour 2 T. lemon juice over the cherries. (Set aside remaining lemon juice for cake recipe.) Add 2 T. sugar to the cherries. Stir gently until sugar no longer feels noticeably grainy. Rinse and dry sorrel; remove and discard stems. Mince the leaves until you have 1/2 cup, well packed. Add 1/4 C. minced sorrel to the cherries; stir until evenly distributed. (Set aside remaining 1/4 C. minced sorrel for cake recipe.) Tightly cover and refrigerate. To make the cakes: Preheat oven to 350ºF. Generously grease and flour 12 C. of a muffin pan. Rotate pan to disperse flour, then invert and tap pan to shake off excess. Finely zest the peel of the lemon. Juice the lemon and strain to make 1/4 C. juice, using any leftover juice from topping recipe if needed. Set zest and juice aside. Using a standing mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, beat the egg whites until foamy. Slowly and gradually, add 1/4 C. of the sugar while continuing to beat. Keep beating on high until whites are opaque, firm and voluminous; set aside. In a separate large bowl, use a whisk to beat the oil with the remaining 1/4 C. sugar. Add the vanilla and mix well. Sift 3/4 C. flour with the baking powder, baking soda and salt over the oil mixture. With a spatula, begin to stir while gradually adding the 1/4 C. lemon juice. Mix until smooth, scraping bowl often. Fold in the lemon zest and the 1/4 C. minced sorrel until evenly dispersed. Add about a third of the egg whites to the batter. Delicately fold in the whites, being careful not to deflate them. Repeat with remaining egg whites, slowly folding just until batter is even in consistency. Immediately scoop batter into prepared muffin pan, filling each C. about halfway. You should have 10 to 12 filled cups. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until edges of cakes are golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center of a cake tests clean. Let cakes cool for a few minutes in pan. Just when pan is cool enough to handle, transfer cakes to a cooling rack or counter top. Let cakes cool completely. If not serving right away, cover and store at room temperature (not refrigerated). When ready to serve, place cakes on plates or in shallow bowls. Give the chilled cherry-sorrel mixture a good stir, then place a generous scoop of the fruit on top each cake. Serve with a dollop of crème fraîche, sour cream or unsweetened whipped cream. Devour immediately.

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