Sweet-Sour-Sumac Roasted Shallots

Sweet-Sour-Sumac Roasted Shallots

Sweet-Sour-Sumac Roasted Shallots


1 pound shallots (roughly equal size), topped, tailed, and peeled

¼ tsp. kosher salt

½ tsp. granulated sugar

1 tsp. ground sumac

Freshly ground black pepper

2 T. salted butter, cut into pieces

6 sprigs thyme


Fill and Seal the Packet: Cut a double layer of heavy-duty aluminum foil that measures 20 inches long. Arrange the shallots lengthwise down the middle of the foil, stopping 2 inches shy of either end. Add the salt, sugar, sumac, and a generous grinding of pepper. Toss to combine, then dot with the butter pieces and add the thyme. Gather the long edges of the foil together, folding them over each other two or three times to form a tight seal. Seal both ends of the packet in the same way. Pack into a resealable bag or leakproof container and refrigerate. Place a grill over medium-hot coals with direct and indirect cooking zones. Roast the shallots, shuttling the packet between direct and indirect heat as needed to maintain a gentle sizzling sound throughout the cooking. When the shallots feel very soft and a knife poked through the foil encounters almost no resistance, 25 to 40 minutes, cut open the top of the packet so you can see inside. Finish the shallots over direct heat, monitoring them closely so they color in spots and the buttery shallot juices reduce to a glaze, 3 to 5 minutes. Serve hot. Notes: The shallots can also be roasted without a grill by setting the packet in hot ashes directly next to medium-hot coals. Turn the packet frequently and monitor closely to prevent burning.

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