Carrot Fries with Mint

Carrot Fries with Mint


1 lb. carrots

Canola oil cooking spray

Coarse sea salt

Fresh mint


Preheat the oven to 400 F.  Scrub the carrots well but don’t peel them.  Trim off the tops and bottoms.  Cut carrots in half lengthwise and place flat side down to cut into thin strips (you could also use a “crinkle” cutter gadget at this point to make them look like crinkle cut fries).  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place carrots on it.  Spray generously with canola cooking spray and sprinkle with salt.  Toss to coat and spread out into a single layer.  Bake in oven until brown on the edges.  Chop fresh mint and toss with hot fries before serving.

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