Fairy Good Quiche

Fairy Good Quiche

Refrigerated pie crust (or pop-tube crescent rolls)
1/2 cup grated cheese
2 eggs
2 Tbsp cream
Salt and Pepper to taste
(4-6 grape/cherry tomatoes – optional)

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Generously spray a minimuffin tin with non-stick spray. Make sure to spray the area connecting each cup together along with the cups themselves. Cut a 2-3 inch flower shape out of the piecrust. (If using the crescent roll option you will need to form a square out of each triangle and pat out slightly before cutting.) Place each flower into a muffin cup, push the center in and against the walls of the pan, and then flatten the petals around the edge of the cup. Place approx 1 tsp grated cheese into the bottom of each shell. In a bowl, combine eggs, salt, pepper and cream. Pour into pastry shell filling almost to the top. (I find using a gravy ladle makes it really easy to fill the cups.) Sprinkle with 1 tsp of grated cheese and bake for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown and slightly puffed. Remove from oven and let cool for 5 minutes before removing from pan. Garnish top with grape/cherry tomato slice or leave plain. Makes 10-12 bite size quiches.

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