Cattail Pollen Biscuits

Cattail Pollen Biscuits

Cattail Pollen Biscuits


The fresh-shucked corn flavor of cattail pollen is amplified by baking. The biscuits are as good with butter and maple syrup or thinly sliced ham. You will need 12-16 cattail flowers to collect ¼ cup of pollen.




3 ¾ cups all-purpose flour

¼ cup cattail pollen

1 T. plus 2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. salt

2 T. sugar

6 oz cold unsalted butter, coarsely grated

1 ½ cups buttermilk


1 egg, beaten

1 T. milk


Preheat the oven to 375’F. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl and stir to combine. Add the grated butter and use your fingers to rub it into the dry ingredients. Pour in the buttermilk and give the mixture as few swipes with a wooden spoon as possible, before bringing the biscuit dough together with your hands. (The less your work it the more tender they will be.) Transfer the dough to a floured surface. Press it gently into an even shape 1 ½ inches thick. Use a biscuit cutter (or upturned glass) to press out as many biscuits as possible. Collect the dough scraps and press them together quickly, then cut out a few more biscuits. Place the biscuits on the baking sheet. Mix the egg wash and brush it gently over the tops. Slide into the oven. Bake until golden-brown, about 20 – 23 minutes. Best eaten at once, but they freeze very well, too.

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