Corn with Mexican Mint Marigold Butter

Corn with Mexican Mint Marigold Butter

Corn with Mexican Mint Marigold Butter


1/2 cups unsalted, softened butter

2 green onions with tops, chopped

1/2 tsp. dried chile árbol, ground

Salt and pepper to taste

2 T. minced Mexican mint marigold

1 Zest of a lime

2 tsp. fresh lime juice

For each ear of unhusked corn:

1 T. Mexican mint marigold butter

A few sprigs Mexican mint marigold

Sprinkling of salt and pepper

2 Green onions, chopped

1 pinches dried red chile árbol


Fresh Corn, still in husk


Combine ingredients (except corn) in a small bowl. Chill for several hours, or overnight. (Keeps several days in fridge.) Preheat grill or oven. Peel back corn husks and remove corn silk, but don’t remove husks. Spread about 1 T. of butter on each ear of corn, then close the husk around the kernels. Wrap each ear tightly with foil, and grill or bake until tender (15 to 20 minutes).

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