Eastern European Beef Bone Broth

Eastern European Beef Bone Broth

Eastern European Beef Bone Broth


4 C. (1 quart) Beef Bone Broth

1 small clove garlic, smashed

Large handful of shredded cabbage

1 rib celery, diced

1 bay leaf

1 tsp. dried dill

1 peppercorn

Celtic or pink Himalayan salt


Heat the broth in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the garlic, cabbage, celery, bay leaf, dill, and peppercorn. Reduce the heat to medium-low or low so the broth barely simmers for 5 to 10 minutes, just until the vegetables are tender. Remove and discard the bay leaf, garlic, and peppercorn. Season with salt and serve.

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