Rhubarb Iced Tea

Rhubarb Iced Tea

Rhubarb Iced Tea


10 stalks rhubarb

3 1/2 cups sugar

4 tea bags Earl Grey tea

2 star anise

1 vanilla bean

extra sugar (to taste)

lots of ice cubes


Wash the rhubarb and cut the stalks into sections. Place on low heat with the sugar in 4 cups water. Simmer for 2 hours on low heat until a syrup develops. Leave to fully cool. In the meantime, bring 4 cups of water to a boil. Cut the vanilla bean open lengthwise, scrape out the seeds, and add them to the water with the bean. Also add the star anise. Lastly, add the tea bags. Brew on low heat for 10 minutes and remove the tea bags. Allow the tea to cool. Put in the refrigerator to fully cool. Before serving, first pour the rhubarb syrup into an attractive glass pitcher. Add the tea and stir. Add extra sugar to taste. Serve with lots of ice cubes.

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