Gambas a la Gabardina – Shrimp in Overcoats

Gambas a la Gabardina – Shrimp in Overcoats

Gambas a la Gabardina – Shrimp in Overcoats


10oz. Raw Shrimp, shell on

¾ C. Flour

1 tsp. Baking Powder

Pinch salt

Pinch Spanish Paprika (Pimenton Dulce)

1 C. Beer

Oil for Frying

Lemon Wedges to serve


Electric Deep Fryer


Peel and clean shrimp, leaving tail fins intact.  Sift flour, baking powder, salt and paprika into a bowl, mix well, and then add the beer.  Let rest a few minutes.  Heat oil in fryer to 380 degrees.  Dip shrimp in batter, and then cook in oil until golden brown.  Drain on paper towels.  Serve with lemon wedges.


From Easy Tapas

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