WIW: Potaffle (Potato Pancakes, Waffled)

WIW: Potaffle (Potato Pancakes, Waffled)

WIW: Potaffle (Potato Pancakes, Waffled)


4 C. cold mash potato

3 T. chopped green onions

3 T. diced red peppers

1/3 C. cheddar cheese

1/4 C. finely grated parmesan cheese

4 T. canola oil

1 egg, lightly beaten


Heat waffle iron and cover with oil. Place four T. of flour onto a pie pan or a shallow plate. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Use an ice cream scooper to dump potato pancake onto plate with flour. Flatten scoop into a round disc. Place potato pancake into a waffle iron and cook until golden brown.


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