Smiling Daisies Bento

Smiling Daisies Bento

Are those smiling daisies cheese or egg sheets?  I don’t know!  I found out!

Hamburger patty


broccoli, tomato.

“My lunch has one teriyaki hamburger patty cut in half, a small sprig of steamed broccoli sliced in half, a piece of simmered kabocha that I sliced up and fanned out, and a baby Roma tomato cut in half for some red.

I think I mentioned before how the baby Romas are almost gone and it seems like ever since I said that, the basket just doesn’t empty! *sigh* I think I have about six more to go. For the flowers, I cooked a bit of egg substitute on low heat, then cut out the flowers with one of my sandwich cutters. The middles are simply sliced baby carrot. I didn’t even need to use a straw, I simply cut two thin slices off a thick carrot and added the nori faces.”

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