Strawberry Vanilla Jam

Strawberry Vanilla Jam

This recipe is a classic Strawberry Jam. But we’ve brought it to modern taste standards by using Pomona’s Pectin which requires little or no sweetener. Pomona’s Pectin relies on Calcium Water (included in the box of pectin) to make the jam set. It can be found in stores like Whole Foods that sell natural or organic products. When using any pectin product, always follow the package directions exactly. Otherwise your set may be comprised.

Makes about 6 -7 half-pints

½ to 1 ½ C. honey or other sweetener (sugar, agave nectar, maple, etc.) (Sweetener can be added to taste)
4 tsp. Pomona’s Pectin powder
3 pounds rinsed and hulled strawberries, crushed, about 8 C. (you could dice or puree, but this could affect the consistency of the final product)
3 tsp. fresh lemon juice, strained
3 tsp. vanilla extract
4 tsp. calcium powder liquid (made up by following directions in box of pectin)

Prepare canning pot with jars (no lids or bands) by covering jars with water and bringing to a boil. When boiling, turn heat down to medium and hold until ready to use. Stir sugar and pectin power together. Put strawberries, lemon juice, vanilla and calcium solution in a wide 6-8 quart stockpot or deep stainless steel skillet. Bring to a boil over high heat, stirring in the sugar-pectin mixture. Stir until sugar is dissolved, about 1-2 minutes. Return to a boil, then remove from heat. Ladle into hot jars, leaving ¼ inch headspace at the top. Wipe rims of the jars with a damp cloth, bubble with a table knife or jar bubbler, place lid and band on each jar. Return jars to boiling water canning pot, with water covering jars by 1 inch. Bring water back to a boil and boil for 5 minutes to process. Remove jars to a folded towel on heatproof surface. Do not disturb for 12 hours. Remove bands and test lids for seal. If any jar hasn’t sealed, immediately refrigerate. Label and date jars and store.

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