Canning Information

Canning Information


Canning Jars & Lids
Large Pot for Canning Kettle
Rack for inside Pot
Jar Lifter
Jar Bubbler
Canning Funnel

Basic Steps:

1. Read recipe all the way through
2. Take care of advance processing first (such as overnight maceration)
3. Inspect jars & Lids
4. Boil jars, keep sterilized and warm
5. Set out needed tools
6. Prepare recipe
7. Remove Jars from water, pour a little into a bowl for cleaning rims later
8. Fill Jar with funnel
9. Use Jar Bubbler to remove bubbles
10. Repeat until all are full
11. Clear rims with warm wet towel; top with flat lids. Screw on bands to fingertip tight, do not over tighten.
12. Transfer with jar lifter into water bath canning kettle, water should be 2 inches above top of jars.
13. With water at a full boil, process for length f time determined by recipe.
14. Turn off heat, let jars sit 5 minutes. With jar lifter, transfer jars from pot to a clean kitchen towel, lifting straight up and down; tilting could prevent a tight seal. Jars should have a bit of space between them in a room temperature and non drafty place. Don’t touch jars or lids yet.
15. Jars should PING as they seal. Let them sit undisturbed for 8-24 hours. Gently press in center of lid; it should not move or pop up and down. If it does, then place in refrigerator and use in next few days.
16. Remove canning lid rings and wash dry and label your successfully sealed jars. These should be consumed within a year.


Stuff to remember:

Follow your recipe. Changing the ratios of low acid foods can allow the spread of botulism.

Pull out the jars your recipe calls for, plus one more. Recipe quantities aren’t always exact, depending on moisture content or how much the food is cooked down. If you have extra, you’ll be glad you cleaned that extra jar.

Start timing processing time only after water reaches a full boil.

Make adjustments for altitude. Water boils at a lower temperature at higher altitudes, and food might not reach a safe temperature without longer processing.

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