Rolls of Serrano Ham with Smoked Salmon Mousse

Rolls of Serrano Ham with Smoked Salmon Mousse

6 slices of Serrano ham, very thinly sliced
5 oz smoked salmon
1/4 l. fresh cream
4 sheets gelatin
4 tablespoons tomato sauce
1 1/2 onion
1 cup brandy
Salt and pepper

Dice serrano ham and onion. Put butter in a saucepan and sauté the onion at a low temperature. Add salmon, salt, pepper, tomato sauce and brandy. When the mixture has almost evaporated, add soaked sheets of gelatin, Puree. Pour mixture through a sieve to make a smooth cream. Allow to cool. Whip the cream with a pinch of salt and white pepper; add cream to the smoked salmon, stirring slowly. Allow mixture to cool for two hours. Spread the mousse on the slices of serrano ham and roll up.

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