SBD Surprize South Beach Mashed “Potatoes”

SBD Surprize South Beach Mashed “Potatoes”

from The South Beach Diet

4 C. Cauliflower Florets
1oz. “I can’t believe its not butter” Spray
1oz. Land-o-Lakes fat free Half and Half
Pinch Salt & Freshly Ground Black Pepper

Steam or microwave the cauliflower until soft. Puree in a food processor adding butter spray and half and half to taste. Season with salt and pepper.

Yield: 4 servings
Calories: 81
Fat: 6g
Fiber: 3g

Note: This didn’t fool me or my husband at all. It LOOKED like potatoes, but my hubsand took one bite and said “Why are you hiding cauliflower like this! I would have eaten it whole! I’d preferred it whole, my mouth was ready for mashed potatoes!”. It tasted fine, it just tasted like cauliflower, with the texture of lumpy mashed potatoes.

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