Kiwi & Lemon Sorbet

Kiwi & Lemon Sorbet

Sorbet-01026 kiwis, peeled and diced

3/4 C. of sugar

1/4 C. water

Juice of 1 lemon (1/4 C.)


Make a simple syrup with the sugar and water on low heat. Cool. Puree peeled and diced fruit with sugar and lemon juice. I left the seeds in the mixture. You could strain the puree if you wish. Proceed in an ice cream maker if you have one. Or you can do what I did. I poured the mixture into the mixing bowl of my Kitchen Aid mixer and froze it. Take it out of the freezer after an hour and whip at low speed for 3 minutes. Return to freezer for an hour. Repeat process twice.








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