SBD Spicy Tuna

SBD Spicy Tuna

2 oz. white pepper

2 oz. black pepper

2 oz. fennel seeds

2 oz. coriander seeds

2 oz. ground cumin

2 tuna fillets (8 oz. each)

4 egg yolks

1/4 bunch cilantro

1/4 bunch chives

1/4 bunch parsley

4 seeded jalapenos (wear plastic gloves when handling)

8 oz. mirin (rice vinegar)

12 oz. olive oil

3 roasted red peppers

1 cucumber, finely sliced


Preheat the oven to 325. Roast the white pepper, black pepper, fennel, and coriander for 15 minutes. Mix with the cumin and process all of the spices in a blender until finely ground. Coat the tuna with the roasted spices, and pan sear until medium-rare. Set aside. In a blender, make jalapeno vinaigrette by mixing 2 of the egg yolks with the cilantro, chives, parsley, and jalapenos and 4 oz. of the mirin. Slowly add 6 oz. of oil to emulsify. In a blender, make a roasted red pepper vinaigrette by mixing the remaining 2 egg yolks with the remaining 4 oz. of rice vinegar and the roasted red peppers. Emulsify with the remaining oil. Place the Jalapeno vinaigrette and the roasted red pepper vinaigrette on each half of a large platter. Slice the tuna and place on top of the vinaigrettes. Garnish with the cucumber slices. Since eggs are un-pasteurized, you may want to substitute a liquid pasteurized egg product (like Egg Beaters). One-quarter C. of liquid egg substitute is the equivalent of one whole egg.







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