So, not everything was good news at the OB yesterday.  I’d gone in for a glucose tolerance test on Tuesday, and the results from that were back in.  I expected to be high.  I’ve been diagnosed as “Insulin Resistant” (what used to be called “borderline diabetic”) for years.  However, the initial results were really high — what you’d have to call diabetic level.  Because the test is more a screening test than truly diagnostic though, I’ll have to go in for another test.  This one is a three hour visit in the lab.  They test my fasting blood sugar, feed me a glucose solution, then test my blood every hour to see how well my body is breaking down the sugars.

My iron was also down a bit.  Not low enough to be anemic or even low enough to justify adding an iron supplement to my prenatal, but lower than it has been, and so I need to make an effort to get more iron rich foods in my diet right now.

I’d also put on a lot of weight in just one month.  For that first 5 months I’d manage to maintain my weight, but in the last 4 weeks I jumped up 7 pounds. The doc isn’t worried yet — he’d wanted me to keep my gain around 15 pounds total for the whole pregnancy and I’m still a ways from that — but I’m less than happy about it.  I haven’t really changed my eating or exercise habits, but I really don’t care to keep gaining at this rate, and I could use more exercise anyway (gotta prep those core muscles for upcoming work! ;)) so hopefully I can keep the scale from spiraling out of control.