An OB visit of ups and downs this week.  Results from the last ultrasound are very good.  Baby is the perfect size, right in the middle of the range, all important organs visible and looking well, heart rate spot on, etc.  Good news, of course.  Except that because things looks so great, doc can’t justify an ultrasound this month, so no other chance to peek at gender until April. 

Ah well.  We’d pretty much given up waiting on gender to start in on the nursery (or at least figure out the list of things to buy and do to get it ready) and since I really didn’t want to go with simpery pastels that baby coudl outgrow too quickly, I went looking for a gender-neutral pattern in some kind of bright color combonation.  This is more difficult than you might imagine.  I finally found a pattern that I liked, by Babylicious (“Happy”) — Only to discover that the pictures on Amazon and other sites were old and outdated.  The set used to include an additional pattern — a large lime green and white check, which I thought was really appealing — but no longer does.  Ah well.  It’s still the best option I could find.  It won’t be outgrown as quickly as most of the cutesy baby bedding out there, and we can girl it up or boy it up with accessories later.

Babylicious "Happy"


I need to finish cleaning out the room (still is mostly set up as my Mom’s room from when she was living here) and decide what to do with the walls.  They’ll have to be painted; while I like the sagey green in general, it doesn’t suit the look I want in there at all!