Most days I am too distracted or too tired or just too uninterested in soul searching.  I know that if I sit and reflect upon my life, I will be discontented (or worse) with myself.  Oh, not in my life — most days I float along, content.   But when I take a look at myself, I know that I am not living my life, giving to my life, creating the home, the parent, the wife, the cook, the gardener, the friend that I want to be.  I buy hordes of books on various topics. I formulate grand plans.  I make lists, which I somehow expect to resolve full bloom into results. 

This year for New years I consolidated piles of my lists into my Grand Plan (It’s the mother of all lists – a five page list of lists).  And my resolution focused more on spending some time every day working on something on the list.  And in truth, I’ve done a better job at that than I might have expected.  I comb through it every week or so and cross off the items that I’ve manged to conquer.  But its a slow process, and it’s difficult to be patient with myself. 

I don’t have to be perfect.  I don’t have to be a Martha Stewart, a Katie Brown, or even a SouleMama.  I don’t need to live as though every single moment is elevated, sacred.  But I am tired of living as though no moment is.