Simple bento today.  Kidlet actually requested most of its contents (usually he just doesn’t really care, and is content to let me pack whatever I will).  He wanted “devilled eggs” (all hard cooked eggs are deviled, whether they actually are or not ;)), muffins, pepperoni and corn.  I used our Shinzi Katoh box again.  I love that zakka / decole style that he has in his work, but I sure wish he had a single tier option.  I don’t know why, but I really struggle to make 2 tier boxes look nice.


Hard cooked eggs with cheese flowers, pepperoni and cheese skewers, little bear pasta for gap fillers (I cooked those right in the same water that I was boiling eggs in and then gave them a light toss in evoo so they won’t dry out and shrivel before lunch).  Chocolate chip mini muffins (yes store bought, my last homemade mini muffins were a disaster!), Corn, broccoli, purple and yellow cauliflower, carrot flowers, mini banana (those things are so cute!) which I tossed with some lemon juice, strawberries and blackberry fruit salad. Lemon pepper in the bunny soy sauce container for his corn and eggs.

Kidlet gave me the lunch requests while I was prepping his breakfast.  I’d offered eggs and toast since he didn’t want cereal, and he wanted them “devilled” and I explained I didn’t have any ready, but could make them for lunch, and how about scrambled and he said that was good, AND add the pepperoni, etc.  So I had to boil the eggs this morning and get them cooled down enough to be safe to pack.  Thankfully we didn’t wake up late this morning (we have the last 2 days!) and I had time for that.  That took probably 30 minutes total, and I gathered ingredients while I was waiting.  Actual assembly was fast, 10 minutes tops.