Well, I can’t hope to sit here long enough to give the full update the blog deserves, so I’ll just cover the highlights.

The last couple months of pregnancy were miserable.  I couldn’t sit for more than 5 minutes comfortably, and at the end, I would have liked to live in my deep tub, where the bouancy of the water gave some relief from the discomfort and pressure.

Following the advice of the diabetes nutritionist piled on the pounds.  I’ve always needed about half the calories of a normal person to maintain my weight, so that should have been no surprise.  No one that hasn’t been here for the past 5+ years ever believes me, they think I am making excuses or something I suppose.  My OB finally agreed that I should disregard her advice and stop deliberately trying to up my caloric intake with (healthy) fats and oils to counter my low-volume intake brought on by the lap band — but not until I actually topped over 300 pounds, a sight I had hoped to never see again.

I ran over term, and my OB scheduled me to induce labor.  They attached monitors to me when I arrived at the hospital and discovered that I was in very early labor (couldn’t even feel the contractions yet), and that the baby was in a lot of distress.  I was whisked off for an emergency c-section where they delivered her safely (the cord had been wrapped around her neck).  Yes — her!  It’s a girl!

She's here! All 6lb 5oz of her!

C-section recovery is going well.  I’ve been suprising the docs and nurses with how well I’m bouncing back from the first day after surgery, so I guess I’m fortunate.  I know my SiL was on pain pills after her C-Sections for weeks and took a couple of months to even feel normal — so I’ll say I’m *very* fortunate 😉

Baby L has no regular schedule yet, and sadly I can’t just fall back asleep after being awoken from a 2 hour nap like she can, so as you might imagine and is normal, I’m pretty much exhausted all the time so far.

the Kidlet welcomes Baby L to the world

the Kidlet welcomes Baby L to the world