In baby news — I had what I imagine will be the last ultrasound on Thursday (given that I’m due in 6 weeks!), and they STILL couldn’t give me better than 49% / 51% on gender.  So while I’m the LAST person that would ever have chosen to keep it a suprise — mystery baby, here we come.

Given the upcoming birth, I took this weekend as a bit of a last hurrah for the kiddo and mommy, and we went out of town.  He’s been wanting to go out to the beach for a while, and altho the weather was due to be uncooperative, I figured if I waited any longer, I’d be too worried about the baby coming early.  The hubby really needed to stay home; his work major work project for the year (at least) is in full throttle, so it was just the kidlet and me.  We drove down to Newport (it’s not the closest coast town, but the one I know best) and luckily is stayed dry enough on Saturday that he was able to get lots of digging in the sand time. 

We also went to the aquarium, as we hadn’t been for over a year.  We stayed the night at the Hallmark Inn (I love the chowder bread bowl from the restaurant attached to it!) and then the next day we drove to my mom’s (a little out of the way for the way home, but not too much) for Easter dinner.