When I pick Kidlet up from day camp, the lunch stuff is still generally out on tables in the party room where they eat.  Three days in a row I’ve been, not shocked, but a little suprised at the crap that most of the kids have in thier lunches.  The pile of trash is ridiculous for only 8 kids, and includes so many snack sized bags of chips, sugary granola bars, cookies, rice krispie treats, gummy fruit snacks, and other junk food. 

Is a sandwich, chips, cookies and maybe a piece of fruit still really the gold lunch standard in this day and age when you’d have to have your head in the sand to not know so much more about nutrition than our parents did and childhood obesity is a real epidemic?

I can’t say that I never let my kid eat junk.  Of course he sometimes has chips and sweets, but its not every day, nor the bulk of what goes in his mouth.  He also understands that those are sometimes foods, and that while no foods are “bad”, some foods aren’t as good for us and we should only eat a little of them.

Stacked ham and cheese sandwich, lil smokies, quail eggs, apple and blueberries, carrot.