I asked what the new unit theme for this week was going to be when I picked him up on Thursday last week, but Kidlet’s teacher couldn’t remember off the top of her head.  So, not unit themed yet, just a generic piggy bento for the day.

Quail eggs make an appearance.  However, I didn’t want to decorate them or dye them or do anything funky until I am sure he realizes that these are just normal eggs, but smaller. 

Kindergarten Bento #41

Ham and cheddar on a butter roll with cheese and ham accents, 2 quail eggs, lemon pepper, tiny forelle pear (halved and the core scooped out with a small melon baller), rapberries, peas and corn, carrots, daikon sprouts, a little round fruit bread thing (I don’t know what its called, the package is written in Japanese!) and a sickeningly sweet marzipan pig.

Time taken: 20 minutes.  I didn’t make the marzipan pig, it was store bought.

I learned that I have almost no piggy bento items.  A huge pile of animal picks, but no pig!  No piggy soy sauce container, no piggy baran.  What’s up with that!