Once thing nice about coming back from mini-vacation (besides seeing the kidlet, who I was missing desparately by Saturday) is coming home to an almost clean house.  Since mom was staying here with the wee one, we had to get things in a semblance of order, lest we be terribly embarassed.  It was far from perfect (I got a lecture twice on the phone and once when I got back in fact on the important of a clean house for the kidlets sake if nothing else, heh), but after being sick for three weeks and getting nothing done, on top of an already slightly messy living space, my house was nearing the comdemned, time to clean it with a match state.

Now I need to find the time and energy to keep it in that clean state it is right now.  Along with the changes in my health, managing my home is another area that needs work.  I can’t let it slide until it becomes overwhelming again

“Everything can be taken from a man but … the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”  ~ Victor Frankl