Weighed in this morning at 283.5, which is down 2 pounds this week.  I had taken a “preview” peek at the scale midway through on Saturday and actually was down 4 pounds then, so am feeling just a tad let down.  On the other hand, its been so long since the scaled moved at all, that’s a cause for celebrating!

I am reluctant to rejoice completely at this point.  It could be just a random flucuation in my weight — I wasn’t checking in weekly this past year as I’ve been stuck.  But I am hopeful that it is a sign that my body is ready to once again shed some fat.

I’m *finally* feeling better, after nearly 3 weeks of that nasty nasty cold, so my appetite and energy levels are returning to normal.  Of course now that I am feeling well and could give 110% to this plan, we actually have a mini vacation planned over a long weekend.  I’m leaving Wednesday for anaheim for Blizzcon, which is a convention by the game company that produces Diablo, StarCraft and World of Warcraft (which is the game I play.  It’s an online, massively multiplayer fantasy style 3-D game).  We’re heading out early to give us a full extra day since our hotel is a hop, skip and a jump from Disney, so we thought we’d take a day for that.   Out here in Oregon there really aren’t any theme parks or amusement parks or anything like that, so it should be fun for us to go play kids and ride some rides.  We took the Kiddo to DisneyWorld last February, so I know at least I don’t have to worry about fitting on the rides, since I am no bigger now than then.

“Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.”  ~David Bly