I continue to be sick.  Friday will be 3 weeks now.  I’ve been to the doctor; at this point its just a matter of waiting out this bout.  But it sure feels like it will never end.  Afterwards, I have to see an ear nose and throat guy.  I’ve now been advised by multiple physicians that my tonsils need to come out.  They apparently have “pockets” on them which are hanging onto germs and whatnot, which is probably why I’ve had 8893849242 bouts of sore throat, strep, tonsilitis ad nauseum this past year+.

Getting tonsils out at my ripe old age of 38 is not the walk in the park that it would be for a six year old apparently.  In fact while a child bounces back in a few days, for an adult it can take several weeks.  I’m unthrilled at the prospect.  On the other hand, it would be nice to be able to go at least a few weeks at a time without throat pain, which right now seems impossible.

“In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer.” ~Albert Camus