Yo Gabba, Gabba is a nickoloeon program for preschoolers. It’s a crazy show. Yet another example demonstrating that the makers of kids programs must be on some wild drugs (think boobah — I rest my case). In spite of (or because of) the bizarro nature of it, the kidlet likes it. Eventually I hope to showcase each of the characters from the show, hopefully before he outgrows it! I started with Muno because he is the simplest, and a color I could capture without inks. (And he is my favorite ;))
Whole wheat sandwich (chicken spread and cheese), blackberries, yellow cauliflower and carrots. Muno is made from a fruit roll up (I needed that vibrant red), and his name is cut from cheddar. Also in his lunch bag will be the ubiquitous ranch dressing and a go-gurt (he loves those disgusting things!).
The kidlet is going through a phase where he dislikes solid meats. Lunchmeat, sausages, meatballs are ok, but pieces of chicken, beef or pork go uneaten, even when very tender. I don’t know if its the texture or what. So for his sandwich, I tossed some leftover chicken into the food pro with a little onion and celery (he doesn’t like chunks of those either) and ground them up fine. I stirred in just enough mayo to make it stick together.  I micro-steamed the cauliflower to take off just a little crunch
Total time spent: 20 minutes. I made muno ahead, but it didn’t work so well. Cheese and meat creations are fine overnight in the fridge well wrapped in plastic. Fruit roll-ups just get sticky and his features are slippery and smeared a little. He wasn’t difficult to cut out with a pair of honeybee cutterbee non-stick scissors (designed for scrapbooking, cutting glue dots and things), so it wouldn’t be tough to do it all in the morning the next time I need a fruit roll up creation.