Kindergarten looms ever closer.  We visited the school  on Wednesday, for kindergarten assessment.  We should find out a couple of days before he starts which classroom will be his.  I have to wonder what exactly they were assessing since we weren’t allowed in the room.  And what will they DO with the assessment?  Do they sort out the kids putting all the bright ones together, etc or do they go for a balance?  I’m already feeling like I need to protect the kidlet from some kind of judgement, which I know is silly!

Regardless that is done, his immunizations up to date, school supplies purchased (and we had to get the entire years worth of items, like EIGHT gluesticks, several boxes of crayons and so on right up front for the first day.  It’s always some unexpected expense, isn’t it?), a few new clothes to replace the hopelessly stained and small ones I’ve weeded from the closet.  Now I’m just waiting for word on his class so I can join the PTA, and working out more kinks for his lunches.

Ham & cheese skewers (the kidlet put those together; he is really enjoying the “fun lunches” and wanted to help), carrot flowers and boccoli, honeydew melon and oatmeal-cranberry animal crackers.

What I learned: One little grass baran couldn’t keep the moisture from the honeydew getting into the cookies and they ended up soft, but not so much they fell apart – kidlet still ate them. I’d put the crackers in a silicon cup next time.