Things are fine here.  I’m still more tired than I’d like, and I’ve had a cold the past several days, but generally, things are well.   I’ve been keeping busy around the house when I’m not napping, which means I’m not at my computer near as much these days.  There’s just so much to get done, and its part of my New Year’s Resolution this year to catch up, and then keep up with things and not let day to day chores pile up.  If you could have seen the pile of laundry that grew and grew while I was sleeping those 18 hours a day, you too would understand this drive of mine 😉

We’ve had two ultrasounds in this second trimester.  Neither one revealed the gender of the kidlet-in-utero.  I can see its already taking after the hubby — stubborn!  The first one it was curled up tightly and facing backwards, and in the second it was hiding in the shadow of my belly button — the shadow of my belly button of all things.  So skirt check — fail!  We go again in the third week of February, which seems a long time when I’ve been waiting anxiously before making any nursery decisions or purchases.  With our current kidlet I ended up completely replacing every bit of nursery furniture and decor after only six months (although admittedly he was 7 months already when he came to live with us full time), and I have no desire to waste the effort and money to deck out the room with simpery pastels that won’t suit a toddler.  Of course we had way too many things that no one really needs.  We were first time parents, thrust into it without the 9 months or more of expectation and planning that most people experience, and worried and convinced we had to have every little thing.  I am much less tense about it this time.  The baby’s world won’t end without a wipes warmer or diaper stacker or any of the myriad things you can find in babies R us!