Kidlet didn’t want to leave day camp yesterday. They have the half day option (9-1) that we chose, a full day option that goes until 5, and before and after care as well. Well, the full day kids were having a “field trip” yesterday to – of all places – a field (lol) where they were having a BBQ picnic. He really wanted to stay, but Baby L was still napping when I left to pick him up and although DH was home, he was working from his home office, and he needed us to get back before she woke up so he could actually get work done. Kidlet got pretty sullen, but he didn’t escalate into a tantrum which suprised (and pleased) me. We came home and played with the water table, had otter pops, and worked out the grumpiness.
PB and lemon curd sammy (BTW, I only use “100% peanut” peanut butter, not the regular stuff with added sugars and stabalizers and all that gunk), hard boiled egg with lemon pepper, bouquet of carrots. Red grapes, golden raspberries, blueberries and a “2 bite” mini lemon cupcake.
The cheese figure was supposed to be a sun but I couldn’t find my cutter with the pointy edges so it ended up looking more like a flower.
Baby L has been a little more difficult going down for her naps the last couple of days. After a few weeks of dream-like ease in getting her down, she is suddenly crying for 30+ minutes again. sigh. Parenthood!
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