Eating when the SHTF

Photo of dried pasta in jars on a shelf in a domestic kitchen. Very shallow depth of field focusing on the middle jar.

Next up in my Binder – Food.  I divided the two food sections thusly:

Food Supplies

    1. Food Storage Inventory
    2. Food Storage Calculations & Acquisition Plan
    3. Storage Methods
    4. Storage Containers & Organizers
    5. Sustainable Food

Food Preparation Off the Grid

    1. Off The Grid Supplies
    2. Off the Grid Cooking Methods
    3. Food Storage Recipes

Sustainable Food will probably be supported by a separate notebook, as well as information in the Skill Acquisition section – gardening, food preservation, sprouting, and so on.  I plan to keep a gardening journal.

At the moment, there are no plans to add any livestock of any kind.  We’ve got no land for anything larger than a few chickens or possibly rabbits.  Hubby isn’t on board with either, and realistically with the coyotes in the green space adjacent to my property and the size of the yard and the closeness of the neighbors – neither is very practical either.