Been a crazy week around here. I’ve got dental stuff going on, multiple days. Youngest has had multiple doctor appointments, taking her out of school. She’s got hypersensitivities and has been exhibiting a lot of anxiety; enough to worry us, so trying to get her some help for that. Oldest broke his glasses, and can’t see anything more than 5 feet away without them. I had purchased the protection plan for them, thank goodness. Since I had to take his in anyway, I got around to getting new lenses ordered for me. They were supposed to be scratch resistant, but look like someone took sandpaper to them. I haven’t treated these any differently than any other pair I’ve owned in 30+ years and never have had glasses scratch so much that everything looks a little blurry. Super annoying. Since I had protection plan on mine too, his frames and my lenses cost nothing. I think the plans were 79$ each pair, but his frames were 300$ and my lenses were close to 800$ (progressive lenses with anti-glare and scratch resistant coating) so it made the protection plan worth the money I spent. It’s going to take a week to get son’s frames in, which makes school really challenging for him. Given his autism, anything out of the norm is even more challenging than the challenges it presents on its own. My lenses will take longer. When I first got my glasses it took almost 3 weeks. I’m hoping they will come before Christmas at least.
Despite my best intentions, I ended up out in public doing some more shopping. We are supposed to see snow in the next few days. It may be nothing, but just in case (I can’t forget being snowed in for 13 days on our steep hill once upon a time), I wanted to make sure I had plenty of meat, vegetables, butter and milk in the freezer. I also ended up having to do a little more Christmas shopping. Needed new lights for the Christmas tree, and while my girl is 7, she still really believes in Santa and there’s one specific item she wants so badly and is just certain Santa will bring it that I had to break down and get it for her, lest I destroy her still oh so innocent beliefs.
This weekend I plan to do my first run with the new dehydrator (ok, so it was supposed to be a “Christmas present” to myself, sue me!) and need to take the girl to choose a birthday present for a friend; she has a birthday party to attend on Sunday. Will likely finish up decorating for Christmas, aside from the tree, which we won’t have until Wednesday. In my spare time at the computer, I am continuing to copy LTS recipes into a document that I can print and have available should we lose power and I need to get creative with food storage meals.
And that’s my life right now.