Shoot, an update

So the pea shoots aren’t rooting at all.  I think they are just too crowded.  Videos show that the roots get all curled up together like a mat.  Mine, not so much. If you just gently tug a shoot, it will lift right out.  They did grow to about the height where they are pushing the cover off.  But only a few have leafed past the initial cotyledon stage.  My tray looks less crowded and lush than any video examples that I saw in various videos.  There when they were ready to harvest its like a mini tangled jungle. Not that mine is ready to harvest.  But it’s sparse and anemic looking right now.

I’m not sure whether to cover them back up and hope the root situation improves, or to just pull the lid and see if they will green and leaf more.  I am going to go ahead and start the other side of the tray with fewer seeds, maybe try soaking 1/2 cup and see how that goes.