Shoots in a week or two?

I didn’t get process pictures. Oops.  But we did our next step in growing pea shoot microgreens today.  Daughter filled the half tray with our growing medium and dampened it well.  Then she rinsed the peas that have been soaking the last 24 hours and spread them out.  Here’s where it gets iffy. 3/4 cup looked like too much to me after soaking when you spread them out.  They are supposed to be sown close together, but a lot of these are touching and even maybe slightly overlapped.


I’ve watched several videos and read a number of pages but nothing is very specific aside from the 1 1/2 cups for 20×10 tray that one YouTube video estimated.  Anyway, I set it where I think it will get the best light in a bay window-y area.  But while it’s sprouting, it is supposed to NOT get sun, so we flipped over a second 10×10 tray over the top.  I will go even out the peas a little bit when EllieBean is away; I didn’t want to diminish her sense of ownership in the project by tidying it in front of her


Now we just need to mist it every day and wait for the magic to happen. 🙂