National Honesty Day

George Washington, often recognized as exceptionally honest, was inaugurated on this day in 1789. Open a discussion about honesty with your child. Remember though, that a child of four still has some developmental limitations for processing certain things. For example, he is beginning to know the difference between right and wrong, is showing a growing […]


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August is National Smile Month

  Ok tell me about a smile. Wikipedia explains that a smile is a facial expression formed by flexing the muscles most notably near both ends of the mouth. The smile can be also around the eyes. Among humans, it is customarily an expression of pleasure, happiness, or amusement, but can also be an involuntary […]


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Your Toddler’s Emotional World

Many new milestones mark your child’s transition from infancy   Sometime within a few months of his first birthday, your baby will learn to walk without help. When he does, he leaves the more placid phase of infancy behind and is renamed a “toddler.” After taking his first independent steps (often to his own astonishment), […]


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Busy Minds and Memories

Little ones use a combination of emotion, recall, and learning to understand the world around them.   If we stop and think about it, most of us are aware that emotions — pleasant or unpleasant — impact our learning. Developmental psychologist Michael Hoffman researched three different ways that this happens for children:   Emotion may […]


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Raising a Caring and Compassionate Child

Like many things, kindness is a quality that children learn over time and through practice. Thankfully, there are many things you can do to encourage your child to be a kinder, gentler person. Research has found that the desire to help and comfort comes just as naturally to humans as being self-centered or hurtful. “It’s […]


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Behavior Chart

Here’s a simple discipline tool you can use with your little one. Create a simple chart using the supplies listed below.   Ask your child, in the morning, what kind of day they want to have: Green=Happy (obedient), Yellow=So-So (warning), Red=Sad (disobedient).   When they tell you “Happy”(assuming they will), place the green happy face […]


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Social and Emotional Readiness – Starting Kindergarten

Children start school with different degrees of social and emotional maturity. These qualities take time and practice to learn. Give your child opportunities at home to begin to develop the following positive qualities. — Confidence: Children must feel good about themselves and believe they can succeed. Confident children are more willing to attempt new tasks—and […]


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Social and Emotional Development, 0 – 5 years

  Social and emotional milestones are often harder to pinpoint than signs of physical development. This area emphasizes many skills that increase self-awareness and self-regulation. Research shows that social skills and emotional development (reflected in the ability to pay attention, make transitions from one activity to another, and cooperate with others) are a very important […]


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